1. What is a Pardon?
A Canadian Pardon (known as a “Record Suspension”), is a document issued by the Parole Board of Canada confirming that your criminal record has been sealed, and placed separate, from visible criminal charges on your nationwide criminal record. Once Pardoned, absolutely no individual in Canada can view your criminal record without permission from the Public Safety Minister. In essence, a Pardon gives you a second chance at your criminal record.
2. How Would a Pardon Benefit Me?
Having a criminal record could inhibit you in many significant aspects of your life. Most notably, employment, advancement, travel, volunteer, education, immigration, child custody, apartment rental and more. Having the ability to seal your criminal record from public domain is an absolute privilege unique to Canada – it is not an option for most people around the world. Assuming you qualify and can afford a minimum interest-free monthly payment of $60, there is absolutely no reason to keep your criminal record.
3. How Much Does a Pardon Cost?
The full cost to obtain a Canadian Pardon is broken down into three specific fees: fingerprints, application processing, and the Parole Board of Canada’s submission fee. Pardon Applications of Canada’s processing takes care of both the fingerprint and processing fees, and provides specific details on submitting your application to the government upon completion.
To view application processing fees specific to your application, click here.
4. How long does it take to get a Pardon?
There are two (2) distinct phases in a Canadian Pardon application which comprise your total timeline. The first phase is the application processing. In this phase, Pardon Applications of Canada completes the ten (10) separate processes to ensure the successful completion of your application according to the Parole Board of Canada’s strict specifications. Upon completion, your application is submitted to the Parole Board of Canada for review – this is the second phase which no one in Canada can expedite.
The key to the timeline in application processing is three-fold: internal management, processing efficiency, and customer service. Pardon Applications of Canada is the only accredited Canadian processing firm which demonstrates consistency and excellence in all three areas. This ensures each application is processed in the most efficient timeline and with the utmost accuracy. In addition, Priority status is available for urgent applications.
To view timeline estimates specific to your Canadian Pardon application, click here.
5. Can I Apply for a Pardon On My Own?
It is absolutely your privilege to try. Similar to your right to represent yourself in court, no individual in Canada is required to use an accredited Pardon processing firm to complete their application. However, there are many risks associated with attempting the entire application process independently. Each step in the application must be completed in a precise manner and timeline. If any step is completed incorrectly, or in the wrong timeline, your application may become void costing significant time and money.
6. Can I Use A Lawyer to Apply?
Yes. However, retaining a lawyer to complete your application typically costs 3-4 times the processing fee of Pardon Applications of Canada. In addition, lawyers do not have expedited methods of increasing your timeline or probability of success, and many lawyers are not skilled in the specifics of the Pardon application process. In fact, many lawyers who undertake a Pardon application on behalf of their clients retain Pardon Applications of Canada to complete the process.
7. Will a Pardon Guarantee My Freedom to the United States?
No. The United States does not officially recognize a Canadian Pardon as any form of restitution. Although it is generally advisable to obtain a Pardon before you attempt to enter the United States, you will likely require a U.S. Entry Waiver regardless of your Pardon status.
To view FAQ’s specific to gaining freedom to the United States, click here.
8. Does Pardon Applications of Canada Guarantee I’ll Get My Pardon?
Pardon Applications of Canada guarantees the successful completion of all processing steps in your application, but no one in Canada can guarantee your approval for a Pardon.
The Parole Board of Canada has exclusive jurisdiction and discretion to approve or deny a Pardon application. The Parole Board assesses each application according to the criteria specified in the Criminal Records Act. The Parole Board also conducts an analysis to determine whether an applicant would sustain their rehabilitation into society and be the benefactor of a measurable benefit by receiving a Pardon. With certain offences, the Parole Board may also conduct an assessment of whether approving a Pardon for a specific applicant would bring the administration of justice into disrepute. Thus, there are many factors that go into the Parole Board’s decision when considering approval of a Pardon application.
To help protect the applicant, Pardon Applications of Canada offers a 100% money back guarantee on its processing fee for any application that is denied by the Parole Board. This guarantee does come with certain conditions, for example, you must meet the Parole Board of Canada’s eligibility requirements at the time of your submission, and cannot have been charged and/or convicted of any new offence.
9. Can a Pardon be Revoked?
Yes. If you are convicted of a criminal offence after you’ve obtained your Pardon, the Parole Board of Canada may, at their discretion, revoke your Pardon. Depending on the nature of your new offence, you may be eligible to re-apply.
10. I Heard that Pardons are Going Away. Is that True?
No. Recently, a small number of unaccredited individuals have attempted to take advantage of legislative changes in order to pressure potential applicants for a fee. Although it’s true that some individuals with serious records, and some sexual offences against minors, are no longer eligible for a Pardon, the vast majority of Canadians with a criminal record can still apply. If you choose not to retain Pardon Applications of Canada to apply on your behalf, ensure that you carefully investigate the salesperson or company who suggests that Pardons are being removed.
Pardon Applications of Canada is Canada’s Pardon (also known as a “Record Suspension”) & U.S. Waiver application processing firm which serves thousands of Canadians yearly toward clearing their criminal record and securing travel freedom to the United States.
Utilizing RCMP accredited fingerprint services nationwide, Pardon Applications of Canada is an industry leader in the specific areas of:
1. Application Processing
PAC’s innovative processing systems ensure no time is lost completing the complex steps of each application.
2. Integrity & Communication
PAC upholds significant integrity standards to ensure that honest and upfront communication is provided through every step of each application.
3. Customer Service & Support
PAC offers phone, email, and website support to ensure that each applicant is fully aware of the current and future status of each application.
Pardon Applications of Canada’s head office is in Ottawa, Canada. For a Free Pardon Qualification, visit Pardon Applications of Canada today.
PAC’s Ongoing Service Commitment
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