Is a landlord required to disclose a tenant’s prior criminal record to other tenants who share common areas with them?

In Canada, landlords are generally not required to disclose a tenant’s prior criminal record to other tenants who are sharing common areas. Privacy laws in Canada protect the personal information of individuals, including their criminal records. Landlords must handle such information confidentially and are not permitted to disclose it to other tenants.

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and provincial privacy laws govern the handling of personal information by landlords. These laws emphasize the importance of protecting the privacy of individuals and restrict the disclosure of personal information without the individual’s consent.

However, landlords may consider criminal records during the tenant screening process when deciding to rent out a property. This decision must comply with human rights legislation, which varies by province. For example, in Ontario, the Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination based on specific grounds, but criminal record is not one of them unless it relates to a pardoned offense.

If you have concerns about your rights or obligations as a tenant or landlord, it’s advisable to consult a legal professional or contact your provincial tenant relations board for guidance specific to your situation.

Can I Apply for a Pardon Only, and Add the Waiver Down the Road?

Yes, you can apply for a Canadian Pardon (Record Suspension) independently of a U.S. Waiver. The two processes are separate and cater to different aspects of your criminal record. A Pardon effectively seals your criminal record from public visibility in Canada, which can benefit you in various ways such as employment, volunteerism, loan applications, insurance, home ownership, adoption opportunity and more.

If you plan to travel to the United States, a U.S. Entry Waiver is necessary because the U.S. does not recognize Canada’s Pardon as a legal admissibility into their country. This means that without a Waiver, U.S. border officials can deny you entry based on your past conviction(s), regardless of whether you’ve received a Pardon in Canada.

You have the option to apply for the Waiver at any time after obtaining your Pardon, but it’s important to remember that obtaining a Pardon does not affect the U.S. Waiver process or its outcome. If you anticipate the need to travel to the U.S., you might want to consider starting the Waiver application process in due time, as it can be quite lengthy and detailed.

How Do I Start My Pardon with PAC?

To start your Pardon with Pardon Applications of Canada, you first want to find out if you qualify.  Fill out the online form or Schedule a call and request to speak with a BBB Accredited Pardon Officer.  You’ll then be fully informed of the timeline, and costs and have your questions answered before you activate your Pardon application. There is never an obligation to start a file — only begin when you are ready to do so.

Alternatively, you may Apply Now to immediately initiate your Pardon application online.

Do I Need a Pardon for a Youth Criminal Record?

If the entirety of your criminal record incurred when you were under the age of 18 AND it was before 1984, you would still require a Pardon as this was before the Young Offenders Act (as of 2003, now called the Youth Criminal Justice Act).  If the entirety of your criminal record was incurred after 1984 when you were under the age of 18, you may not require a Pardon.

Note that the moment you are convicted of an offense in court at the age of 18 or older, any convictions as a youth would remain publicly visible and a Pardon would be required.  If you are unsure whether you require a Pardon for your youth record, contact a BBB Accredited Pardon Officer via Schedule a call.

Can’t the Government Complete My Pardon?

Unfortunately not. There is no government body that completes or helps complete the actual application process to obtain a Pardon in Canada — it is entirely the responsibility of the Pardon applicant.  By retaining Pardon Applications of Canada, the legal process of your application is completed on your behalf!  Only once completed is your finalized application submitted to the government for their independent review and decision. Think of Pardon Applications of Canada like an accountant completing your tax return before it is submitted to the government. Schedule a call to get started today!

Which of My Convictions will be Pardoned?

A Canadian Pardon (Record Suspension) will permanently seal an individual’s entire publicly visible criminal record, including all convictions & non-convictions (discharges, withdrawn, dismissed) associated with your name and fingerprints.  You do not choose which convictions or charges you want to be sealed.  The purpose of a Pardon is to give a 100% clear, fresh start on an individual’s criminal record forever. First, start by seeing if you qualify for a Pardon or Schedule a call.

Is it True That Soon Pardons Will No Longer Be Offered?

That is unlikely because the Pardon system works in Canada and has been effective for over 50 years.

In 2012, the Conservative government did make significant changes to the Criminal Records Act which affected Canadian Pardons. But the changes were not made to eliminate the Pardon system. Unfortunately, some less reputable individuals have used these changes as a way to strike fear into applicants that Pardons are “going away” and they should make a large lump sum payment quickly. If you choose not to retain Pardon Applications of Canada to process your application, be cautious of any sales person or online advertisement that tells you there is a “deadline” to get a Pardon.

Schedule a call or Apply Now to get started today.

Once Approved, Can I Lose my Canadian Pardon?

The Canadian government does have the authority to revoke your Pardon if you are convicted of a criminal offense AFTER your Pardon is granted.  Depending on the new offense, you might be eligible to reapply after a waiting period.

Obtaining a Pardon in Canada is a mutual commitment you are making to the government not to re-offend going forward in your life. Take that seriously. Schedule a call to get started on your Pardon today.

Can You Guarantee My Pardon Will be Approved?

It would be irresponsible for any individual, service, or organization in Canada to promise the guaranteed success of your application since it is only the Canadian government itself that ultimately makes the final decision on your application.  However, using an accredited Pardon application service like Pardon Applications of Canada will maximize your opportunity for success.

Since 1970, over 500,000 Canadians and/or residents of Canada have received a Pardon, with an application approval rate of over 92%.  In fact, more than 95% of all Pardons granted over the span of 50 years are still in effect today!

Each Pardon application is assessed by the Parole Board of Canada in accordance with the Criminal Records Act and several mitigating factors.  Each Pardon applicant (and his or her case) is reviewed to determine the effect on rehabilitation and any potential benefit to be gained from receiving a Pardon.  Depending on your offense(s), the Parole Board of Canada may also assess whether granting a Pardon would raise any questions about the fair administration of justice.

For your peace of mind, Pardon Applications of Canada does offer a money-back guarantee on its processing fee if your application is not approved.  Certain conditions do apply to the guarantee, including meeting the requirements for eligibility when your Pardon application is submitted to the Parole Board of Canada.  For example, between the time that you start your application and submit it, you cannot have been charged and/or convicted of any new offense.

To get started now, Schedule a call or Apply Now.

Will a Pardon Guarantee My Travel Freedom to the U.S.?

Unfortunately not. Canadian Pardons are not recognized by U.S. Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) authorities. While it’s advisable to have a Canadian Pardon before traveling to the U.S., most travelers will likely need a U.S Entry Waiver (I-192) also.

When calling 866-383-9744 to speak with a BBB Accredited Pardon Officer with Pardon Applications of Canada, make sure to ask about your interest in crossing the U.S. border legally. In the meantime, here is more information on U.S. Entry Waivers.

Should I Use a Lawyer to Apply for a Pardon?

That’s certainly your option, however, you will likely be subject to legal fees and disbursements that are 3-4x higher than retaining Pardon Applications of Canada.  In addition, lawyers do not have the same expedited application process, nor do they have a higher chance of success of the Pardon application itself. Lawyers may not be specialized in Canadian Pardon applications at all.  In fact, many lawyers utilize Pardon Applications of Canada as their processing firm and then charge their clients a premium when the work is done.

Pardon Applications of Canada is specifically mandated to specialize in the successful completion of the Pardon Application process. Get started today by Schedule a call or Apply Now.

Can I Attempt My Own Pardon Application?

It is absolutely your privilege to try.  There is no legal requirement to use an accredited processing firm or Pardon service for your Pardon application.  However, similar to representing yourself in court, attempting your own Pardon application carries several risks.  Each stage of the application process has strict requirements, and each one must be done in a specific order and time frame.  If any one or more of the requirements are not met, or not done in the right sequence, your Pardon application may be rejected or deemed invalid, and you will have to wait a minimum of twelve (12) months before starting the process over from the beginning.  This can add to both timeline, cost & frustration. For most applicants looking to obtain a Canadian Pardon, it makes sense to ensure the application is done accurately and correctly the first time.

Why not speak with a BBB Accredited Pardon Officer first before making the best decision for you. There is no obligation to make a payment or start a file unless you are ready to do so. Schedule a call or Apply Now to get started!

How Long Will it Take to Get a Pardon?

From making the first call to Pardon Applications of Canada Schedule a call, you can expect a total timeline of approximately 10-14 months. Factors that can affect the total timeline include the length and complexity of your record, as well as the number of dispositions (locations) in which you were charged.

A Canadian Pardon application is not merely about filling out a few documents.  Each Pardon application must go through a specific ten (10) step legal process as specified by the Criminal Records Act in Canada.  If any one of these steps is completed incorrectly, or in the wrong timeline, your Pardon application can be delayed for a significant amount of time or even become void. Once your Pardon application has been completed by Pardon Applications of Canada, it is ready to be submitted to the Canadian government for their independent review and decision.  Although no one in Canada can expedite the government’s due diligence in this process, there are many ways to expedite the application processing beforehand.

Pardon Applications of Canada utilizes an innovative 24/7 processing system which means your Pardon application is completed with the most efficiency and accuracy possible.  In addition, Priority status and one-on-one support are available for urgent applications.

View more details on Pardon timelines.

What’s the Total Cost to Obtain a Canadian Pardon?

There are two separate costs for obtaining a Pardon. First, there’s the service fee to complete the Pardon application (like an accountant’s fee to complete your tax return). Then, there are legal disbursements (fees to courts, police & government). Let’s review both these costs.

The Pardon Applications of Canada service fee is a 12-month program for $80 or $920 in full ($40 discount), including all applicable taxes. This service fee covers the actual work completed by Pardon Applications of Canada including courts and police to complete your Pardon application, working with you to fulfill applicant responsibilities, and submitting your application to the government of Canada.  In addition to the service fee, there are legal disbursements required which can vary depending on the length and complexity of your criminal record and other factors. Lastly, the government of Canada itself charges $50.00 as a processing fee once the Pardon application is submitted to them. View more information on Pardon application fees.

Pardon Applications of Canada fully discloses all costs related to your application without hidden or surprising fees. In fact, each applicant receives a customized Criminal Record Disbursement Report (CDR) email outlining the exact costs, timeline & other details of their application.

Start by getting a live quote of your actual cost to obtain your Canadian Pardon by speaking with an Accredited Officer via Schedule a call. Officers do not work on commission and are available to serve only in your best interests with honesty, transparency, and knowledge.

What are the Benefits of a Canadian Pardon?

Obtaining a Canadian Pardon could provide substantial measurable benefits to your life. A criminal record can negatively affect your life in a number of ways.  A record can make it more difficult to find a job, buy a house, get a bank loan, apply for self-employment contracts, travel abroad, do volunteer work, enroll in education programs, immigrate, get custody of a child, rent an apartment and more.  The option to seal your criminal record from public visibility is a privilege truly unique to Canada – the vast majority of criminal record holders elsewhere in the world must live with the full consequences of their record for the rest of their lives. Assuming you qualify and can afford a minimum monthly payment of $80.00, contact Pardon Applications today at Schedule a call to get started.

What is a Pardon in Canada?

In Canada, a Pardon (also known as a “Record Suspension”), is granted by the government of Canada to indicate that your criminal record has been separated from publicly visible criminal charges in the national criminal record database.  When you receive a Pardon, no one can view your criminal record unless they get written permission from you or the Public Safety Minister of Canada.  In essence, A Pardon gives you a fresh start on your criminal record.

To get started on your Pardon today, Schedule a call or Apply Now.

Real Reviews of
Pardon Applications of Canada

Below is just a few real applicant reviews of Pardon Applications of Canada via BBB (Ottawa). Check it out for yourself and get PAC working for you today.